Create AI chatbots
that feel human

Create AI chatbots
that feel human

Train it on your own data and get a super-smart chatbot. No code needed.

Train it on your own data
and get a super-smart chatbot.
No code needed.

Train it on your own data and get a super-smart chatbot. No code needed.

Create your bot

free - no credit card required

Grab a coffee,
and build yours less than 1 hour…

Grab a coffee,
and build yours less than 1 hour…

Grab a coffee, and build yours
in less than 1 hour…

A website chatbot /
customer support agent

Decrease customer support costs and increase customer satisfaction, with smart chatbots that actually work.

Decrease customer support costs and increase customer satisfaction, with smart chatbots that actually work.

Internal assistants
for your team

Make your team more efficient with custom agents that are trained on your company knowledge base.

Make your team more efficient with custom agents that are trained on your company knowledge base.

… And more

We allow you to fully tweak the behavior of your bot. So you can make lead-qualifying bots, hiring bots to qualify applicants, … Whatever you can think of.

We allow you to fully tweak the behavior of your bot. So you can make lead-qualifying bots, hiring bots to qualify applicants, … Whatever you can think of.




How do I train it on my data?

When you create your chatbot you can train it by simply uploading files (.pdf), or by inserting your website URL (the data will be automatically extracted) or by linking a Google Sheet file with your data.

What technology does Chunky use?

It uses the ChatGPT API and Embeddings provided by OpenAI.

Where can I integrate it?

Currently you can share a public link to your bot or you can implement it in your website with just a single line of code. You will have a little chatbot widget which can talk to your visitors.

Can I change the appearance of my bot?

Yes, you can change the name, icon and colors of your chat window so it fits the branding of your website.

Do you support multiple languages?

Yes, we support close to 95 languages on our platform. Both your training data as well as the bot responses are available in all these languages.

Create your chatbot today.

Create your chatbot today.

Create your chatbot today.

© Chunky 2024